
Von Fox News stammt diese Diskussion zwischen Pamela Geller von der Amerikanischen Initiative zur Verteidigung der Freiheit (AFDI), die in Texas am 3. Mai 2015, am Internationalen Tag der Pressefreiheit die Ausstellung mit Mohammed-Karikaturen organisierte, mit einem britischen Islamisten Anjem Choudry, dem Führer der mittlerweile verbotenen islamistischen Gruppe Islam4UK, der in seinen Äußerungen die Todesstrafe für Mohammed-Karikaturisten forderte:

Pamela Geller vs Imam Anjem Choudary on Fox News, Hannity: 'You Want Her To Die!'

(es gibt inzwischen auch eine Version mit deutschen Untertiteln)

SHOCK VIDEO: Radical Imam Tells Pamela Geller on Live TV She Should be SLAUGHTERED. Hannity: 'You're Evil and Pathetic'. ‘You want her to die!': Hannity clashes with Islamic extremist over anti-Muslim activist Pamela Geller. ‘You Want Her to Die!’ Hannity, Pam Geller Come to Blows with Anjem Choudary. Pamela Geller: FBI Has Not Contacted Me Despite Terrorist Threat by ISIS . Fox News Hannity Sean Hannity and Pamela Geller got into a pretty fierce shouting match with Muslim cleric Anjem Choudary over whether Geller should be put to death for organizing a cartoon contest to, as Choudary put it, insult Muhammad and all Muslims. (Pam Geller Claims No Contact from FBI, Homeland Security Since Terror Attack).The contest, of course, was targeted by two shooters who ended up dead and have reported ties to ISIS.
Choudary has been on Hannity’s show many times before, and tonight Hannity asked him point-blank, “Do you support this death threat against Pam Geller because she ran a free speech contest?”

RELATED: Ingraham Grills Geller: Why ‘Go Out of the Way to Offend a Billion Muslims’?

Choudary argued there’s a difference between cartoons of Mickey Mouse and cartoons of Muhammad, and said Geller went in “knowing full well” many Muslims consider blasphemy an issue worthy of the death penalty. Hannity went off and shouted, “You want her to de!”

Choudary said Geller should be put before a court and tried, and she would end up punished. Geller shot back, “To blame me and say that my cartoons are controversial… murdering cartoonists is controversial.”

They got into a shouting match (Geller told him to stop interrupting and at one point said “I know you’re used to stepping over women”), and Choudary told her she “knew the consequences.” They continued fighting, Choudary went off on a tangent about the U.S. “murdering innocent people,” and Hannity ended by calling him “evil and pathetic.”
Islamic Imam Anjem Choudary told Pamela Geller tonight that she should be slaughtered for her Texas cartoon contest.
This was an AMAZING exchange
Anjem Choudary: We’re talking about people who deliberately had a competition to insult the messenger Mohammad… If you saw the cartoons that Charlie Hebdo drew you would understand the anger. And now this woman was to draw cartoons or have people draw cartoons to insult the prophet knowing full well that this carries the death penalty in Islam… She should be put before Shariah court and tried and of course she would face capitol punishment.
This was an amazing exchange.
Best Line-
Pamela Geller to Anjem Choudary: “I’m talking, sir… I know you’re used to stepping over women but you’re not going to have it here.”

Nachbemerkung: Man sieht sofort, Islamophobie ist nicht gerechtfertigt! Man braucht sich ja nur dem Islam zu unterwerfen und alles ist gut!

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Aber seltsamerweise sind die Wähler diesem Kämpfer für die Scharia nicht gefolgt, die "Zeit" am 8.5.2015 um 15h35: Cameron kann Großbritannien allein regieren - Der Premier hat sich die absolute Mehrheit gesichert und lässt die Briten nun über einen EU-Verbleib abstimmen. Labour-Chef Miliband tritt ab.